1,000 Students Take Stop Bullying Pledge


Parents Play a Key Role
Learn what Bullying is and what is it not
Is your child a target of bullying or a student who bullies?
What are the warning signs of bullying?
What can parents do to prevent bullying?
How to respond to bullying behavior
What is Cyberbullying?
What is "Sexting"?
Learn more by requesting a Speak Out Against Bullying, Inc. Parent Group presentation
You can make a Difference
Bullying & the Impact
What are the different types of bullying?
How to prevent Bullying
Strategies for addressing and reporting bullying
Cyberbullying and the Laws
Responsible Use of Social Media
Safe School Campus that is Respectful, Tolerant and inclusive
Learn more by requesting a Speak Out Against Bullying Assembly that are tailored according to grade (K-12)

Schools are a primary place
where bullying can happen
Learn to identify what Bullying is and is not
What is Cyberbullying and the laws
Establish a safe school climate
Learn the Federal laws that address harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, and disabilities
What is a hate crime?
Learn de-escalation techniques
Learn more by requesting a Speak Out Against Bullying, Inc. Educator and Staff training
Community Partners

Speak Out Against Bullying, Inc
P.O. Box 452124
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Telephone: 424-835-1373